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Use Keyword Phrases to Rank Higher on Internet Searches

Use Keyword Phrases to Rank Higher on Internet Searches
When a user types into the search box usually located on the top right corner of the web browser, the search engine selected will try to match these words against content found on all the web sites indexed by the search engine. The results are then displayed in a results page.
In order for users to be able to locate your site using search engines, your site should appear on the first three pages of a web search. Any website link that appears beyond page 3 has been proven to record very low traffic. You could then Use Keyword Phrases to Rank Higher on Internet Searches.
However, before you can use any words as keyword in your website, you have to do some homework first if you expect good results. I will assume that you are doing it yourself as opposed to hiring a SEO guru who is more conversant with this assignment.
There are several tools freely available on the Internet that can help you decide which terms to use. Know that the best phrases change from time to time and are dependent on the field. Two of the most important tools include Yahoo and Google Webmaster.
Once you have decided on the correct words or phrases to use to boost your online presence, you need to meticulously apply the relevant terms in your website. You should however be warned that overuse of these keywords can land you in the black book of search engines, practically putting you of sight. It’s advisable to target two or three keywords per page in order for every keyword to count.
There are several strategic places of a web page where you will place the keywords. The title page is what appears on the browser indicating the site visited. You need to include the keyword here. The title of a page should not exceed 200 characters, including spaces. Anything after this character count will be ignored by the browser.
The description tag is a HTML tag on a web page that contains information about your web pages displayed by search engines on the page results. While avoiding too much content, you should add your keywords here together with information that best describes your current page.
In order for your pages to be properly indexed by search engines, you should also consider properly structuring your page headings. A web page can have header tags from header 1 to header 6. You should include your keywords and any terms relevant to your page here.
Of more importance is the links in your website. There are usually two types of links- inbound and outbound links. Inbound links point to resources like pages within your site while outbound links lead outside your site. All links should be relevant and point to existing resources. You should avoid linking to non-existing websites or files if you want to earn more web marks.
While I have made a modest attempt to guide you on what you need to do in order to increase your Internet rankings, you should be aware that it takes time for web crawlers to revisit your site and update their database records. Every web owner should learn to use keyword phrases to rank higher on internet searches.